Miho Ishibashi

Official Blog (Japanese)


First album “Sing a Rainbow”


Jazz vocalist Miho Ishibashi became acquainted with jazz music and the electric organ at a very young age. Years later, as she was studying abroad in England, she began to devote herself to the jazz genre.

It was also in London, England that she had a chance encounter with the late great jazz singer Blossom Dearie. It was this encounter and the subsequent conversation that made up her mind to become a jazz vocalist.

She officially entered the Jazz scene after returning to Japan and had her debut live gig in 2005 at Osaka Jazz on Top.

Since then she has continued to do shows around Japan, as well as making appearances on radio.

Her first album “Sing a Rainbow” was released in 2010 and is available online via amazon, itunes and cdbaby (international). A highly recommended artist.


幼少よりエレクトーンとジャズに親しむ。カナダ、イギリスでの留学時代にジャズに一層傾倒していった。ロンドンでブロッサム・ディアリーと会話を交わしたことをきっかけに、ヴォーカリストになることを決意する。帰国後、本格的に活動を開始。2005年、大阪Jazz・On Top 梅田本店でのデビューライブ以降、ジャズクラブ等で活躍中。

おもなメディア出演] RKB毎日放送『こだわりハーフタイム』生出演、FMひらかた『Chris’ music Box』生出演、FM COCOLO『World Jazz Warehouse』アルバム紹介、関西テレビ『快傑えみちゃんねる』オープニングテーマ曲コーラス

2010年6月2日、デビューアルバム『SING A RAINBOW』をリリース