


*This group is no longer active musically


Four member band PaperBagLunchbox (PBL) originally formed in 2001 in Japan’s Osaka area. With the groovy sounds of their bassist and drummer, the haunting vocals of Nakano Yousuke plus Tsuematsu on keyboards they went on to catch the ears of many a live audience.

Their EP “BLEP” was released in 2006 followed quickly by their 1st album “Headphone Town”. The album received a storm like reaction leading to performances at various live events including a show at the famous Shibuya AX in Tokyo.

However, after such a good start, the days and months passed until it had been 5 years since they had released any new music. When things looked to be over, the band managed to revive itself in 2010 and is going all out with their 2 album “Lost&Found ~2006-2010~” which can be bought from their website.

The band is currently on tour around Japan promoting their 2nd album and a 3rd album is in the works for 2011.


2001年、大阪で結成。 結成当時から変わることのない、Dr.伊藤とBa.倉地のグルー ヴィーで非凡なリズムとVo.ナカノヨウスケ の聴く者を独自の世界へと惹き込む歌、そして、それを包み込むKey.恒松の音世界。この4人から放たれる音は、多くのオーディエンスの共感を導き出す。 2005年、1st EP「PBLEP」、2006年、1st Album「ベッドフォンタウン」をリリース。1st Albumは各地各所で絶賛の嵐となり、新時代の幕開けを予感させる反響となった! 同年12月には、渋谷AXで行なわれたSyrup16g主催のイベントに参加し、パフォーマンスが賛否両論を沸き起こす等、その同行が注目されていた。


膨大なセッションとライヴの中で紡がれた楽曲を凝縮した5年ぶり待望のニューアルバム「Lost&Found ~2006-2010~」が2010年9月から発売!!! 現在都内を中心に積極的にライヴを行なっている

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