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Myspace (English)

Rock band Man With A Mission (MWAM) is a very unique band with a mysterious past.

The faces of the band are of wolves instead of humans for example. And in the tradition of bands like Gorillaz, they perform in those personas. However one thing is certain, they have an amazing sound and lyrics (Japanese and English) with a message.

They are currently performing around Japan and in the Tokyo areas.  Their new mini album “Welcome To The New World” is on sale now via iTunes, amazon and more!

**See their story below


19XX 年、


エレクトリックレディーランドの天才生物学者、ジミー・ヘンドリックス(趣味:ギター)がその狂気の研究を完成させていた。究極の生命体『MAN WITH A MISSION(MWAM)』(使命を持った男)。


その一見コミカルともとれる容姿からは想像も付かぬ超人的な頭脳と肉体。ありとあらゆる極秘任務を難なく遂行してしまえる能力を持った彼らを、世の権力者達が指をくわえて見過ごすわけはなかった。名だたるワルどもの中には、無論あのジオン公国のギレン・ザビも言うまでもない。世界各地のあらゆる黒い歴史の影で、彼らは暗躍させられ続けた。自分の研究がこの世に生み出してしまった業、その罪の意識にさいなまされ続けたジミーは、せめてもの償いとして二度と彼らが起動しないよう、その命と引き替えに MWAM を南極の氷河の中で氷漬けにすることに成功する。『次に生まれ変わったらストレートパーマもかけてみよう』という遺言と共に。

時は経ち、2010 年。地球は世界規模の経済危機、情勢不安も相次ぎ、地球温暖化という星の危機にも直面していた。だが、誰が想像したであろうか、星の危機たる温暖化が、ジミーが命を賭して眠らせていた彼らの南極の氷の棺を溶かしてしまったのだ。

永年の眠りから目覚めてしまった MWAM。彼らは、この世の中にとっては正義なのか?はたまた悪なのか。
2010 年『MAN WITH A MISSION』が新たな使命と共に、世界中を駆けめぐる。

現在新しいアルバム「Welcome To The New WorldiTunesAmazon、などに今発売中


Age 19XX, the darkest era of all.
The universe was in the middle of the worldwide warfare.
All living beings on earth was losing their faith,losing their future just for an egoistic game of which the rulers kept on playing with no end.

At the edge of the world, the genius of all time Professor J,Pendrix(which was pretty good in playing the guitar) was about to complete his masterpiece which he has been working for his life.

The Ultimate Android,


Is it a wolf?Is it a man?
With all the intelligence and super-powers,they were used to accomplish the impossible,and nothing could ever stop them.

Unfortunately, they were born in the wrong era.

The rulers of the world used them to handle the secret maneuvers,asassination, every dark deeds that they could think of.

Professor J, finally notices what he had made, the sin that he commited to this world.
As a penance to the world, he finally decided to ice them in the Antarctic as they could never awake again.
And he also burned that guitar he used so long.

Years passed, and today the world is still not an easy place to be.
Global warming,Echonomic crises,Conflicts all over the world, the world was once again facing a crisis.

But who could have imagined?
The global warming melted the ice of the Antarctic of which the MAN WITH A MISSION was trapped in.

After their long hybernation, they once again returned to the world.

Are they the good to the world today? Or are they bad news to us again.

We shall know as they have already started their new mission,which nobody could clarify.

once again strikes the world.

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