JIN Radio 171 The Jazz

Some fine Jazz going out to my Mom, Grandmum and all the great mothers out there Enjoy and chill クールなジャズ母親、おばあちゃんと素敵お母さん達に届します。 エンジョイしてにゃ~

Yuichi Hayashi

Official Page


Yuichi Hayashi started playing the piano at the age of 5 and later started performing while in college.

Formed his own piano trio, TRISPACE, in 2008, and released 4 albums, including a Swedish recording, during his 11 years of activity. He toured not only in Japan but in Italy as well.

In 2019, he formed a new trio, actively working as Yuichi Hayashi Trio, and released an original album in 2023.

In addition, he belongs to various bands such as QUIN’KRANTZ, loopfactor, etc., and is doing national tours and album releases.

Since 2016, he has been teaching at Nagoya University of Arts, and is also focusing on nurturing the next generation.
Known as one of the lyrical musicians, his clear and beautiful tones and delicate yet powerful performances resonate in the hearts of listeners.


その他、QUIN’ KRANTZ、loopfactor等、様々なバンドに所属し、全国ツアーやアルバムリリースをしている。

The Consouls


Official Page


The Consouls are a Sydney based ensemble best known for their arrangements of video game music on YouTube.

They got their start with jazz arrangements all the way back to 2014, but these days their repertoire has expanded out into other genres ranging from funk, fusion, rock and everything in between, sometimes featuring larger ensembles of horn and string sections.

Their work can be found on their YouTube channel and other music services.


The Consouls はシドニーを拠点とするアンサンブルで、YouTube でのビデオ ゲーム ミュージックのアレンジで最もよく知られています。


彼らの作品は、YouTube チャンネルやその他の音楽サービスで見つけることができます。

The Jazz Avengers

Official Page



2021年、ドイツのミュンヘンで行われたOne Young World 閉会式での


リズム体は瀬川千鶴(EG) 、竹田麻里絵(Key) 、

芹田珠奈 (EB) で固め、

フロントは米澤美玖(TS) 、寺地美穂(AS) 、

WaKaNa(AS) 、中園亜美(SS)が華やかに飾り、






まさにAvengers の名に相応しい


Senri Kawaguchi (Dr) has called together

Japan’s top female musicians to perform at the One Young World closing ceremony in Munich, Germany in 2021.

The rhythm section is made up of

Chizuru Segawa (EG), Marie Takeda (Key), and Juna Serita (EB),

while the band is fronted by Miku Yonezawa (TS), Miho Terachi (AS),

WaKaNa (AS) , and Ami Nakazono (SS)who make a sparkling sound that only a four saxophone ensemble can create.

The band draws on jazz, funk, and fusion, and has gathered first-call members in various fields.

This includes sessions, live support, and recordings, and is truly  the strongest band worthy of the Avengers name.

Kazutaka Ota

Official Page

Alternate Chameleon Page


Born in Hiroshima in 1979. Kazutaka Ota was influenced by his music-loving parents. He grew up exposed to various genres of music from an early age. After that, he was impressed by the works of jazz flute master Herbie Mann and became interested in jazz. He started playing live while he was a student at Hiroshima University, performing at jazz clubs and live houses both inside and outside the prefecture. In recent years, he has expanded his field of activities to support performances of jazz and pops, solo live performances, composition, arrangement, event planning, and music production for musicals and games, focusing on live activities in his own unit.

His performance is characterized by a powerful and passionate sound that is not bound by the image of the classical flute. He pursues new possibilities of the flute and dynamic, groovy music. Incorporating not only general flute playing techniques but also special playing techniques such as voice percussion.

In 2017, “Yumi Yumi & Kazutaka Ota DUO” and “Game Musica Jake” released CD albums for each unit. In 2019, she released an album on CD/online distribution as a member of “MAQ”.

In 2018, a new multi-genre instrumental band “Alternative Chameleon” was formed. They intend to perform in way that conveys the charm of instrumental music to a wider range of people through the ever-changing sound that fuses a wide range of music genres and thematic live performances. In 2022, they will release the band’s 1st album “AZUL” on CD and distribution.


1979年広島生まれ。音楽好きの両親の影響で幼少より多様なジャンルの音楽に触れて育ち、6才よりピアノ、13才より吹奏楽部でフルートを始める。その後ジャズフルートの巨匠Herbie Mannの作品に感動し、ジャズに興味を持つ。広島大学在学中よりライブ活動を始め、県内外のジャズクラブ、ライブハウスで演奏を重ねる。近年は自己ユニットでのライブ活動を中心に、ジャズ・ポップスのサポート演奏、ソロライブ、作曲・編曲・イベント企画、ミュージカルやゲームの楽曲制作などにも活動の場を拡げている。


2017年「ゆみゆみ&太田和孝DUO」、「Game Musica Jake」、各ユニットのCDアルバムをリリース。2019年には「MAQ」のメンバーとしてCD/オンライン配信でアルバムを発表。


Event Calendar

Miku Yonezawa

New album “Delight” coming 4/3

新アルバム 「Delight」4月3日リリース

Official Page

Web Shop


Born in Asahikawa, Hokkaido. Miku Yonezawa  started playing the tenor saxophone at the age of 8, joined a big band at the age of 11, and started playing jazz.
She currently leads her own live shows,  performing with top domestic musicians in Japan with over 100 shows a year.

Her 3rd album, released  on May 4, 2018, was the number one bestseller in the jazz section of Amazon Japan for 28 days, and was the top album in the iTunes Store Jazz. The jazz ballad album “Dawning Blue” released in January 2019 set a big record as the top seller for 93 days on the Amazon chart. She made her Major debut with “Exotic Gravity” from King Records in May 2019.

“Dawning Blue” and “Exotic Gravity” double won Album Of The Year in the 2019 JAZZ JAPAN AWARD New Star category. Also, in recent years, it has been highly popular overseas, such as being frequently ranked high on overseas jazz charts.

Appearing at the Cotton Club in April 2021. In July, they participated in the Billboard tour as OneYoung World Presents Jazz Avengers centered on Senri Kawaguchi.
In addition her first hall concert in 2022 was a major success and  live performance will be broadcast on NHK General TV “Hirumae Hot”.
Currently, s he is also active as a radio personality and D’Addario Woodwinds Japanese Authorized Artist


北海道旭川市出身。 8歳よりテナーサックスを始め、11歳でビッグバンドに入り ジャズを始める。
自らのリーダーライブは、青柳誠、岡本洋、岡田治郎、納浩一、波多江健、川口千里、則竹裕之など、国内のトップミュージシャン との共演を重ね、年間 100本以上にも及ぶ。

2018年5月4日に発売した 3rd AlbumはAmazon 日本のジャズ部門28日間ベストセラー1 位、iTunes Store Jazzのトップアルバムを記録。2019 年1月リリースのジャズバラードアルバム「Dawning Blue」はAmazon同チャート93日間のトップセラー1位という大記録を樹立。2019年5月キングレコードより「ExoticGravity」でメジャーデビュー。
「Dawning Blue」「Exotic Gravity」は2019年JAZZ JAPAN AWARD New Star部門にてAlbum Of The Yearをダブル受賞。また、海外のジャズチャートでも上位にたびたびランキングされるなど 近年は海外での人気も高い。
2021年4月にはCotton Clubに出演。7月には川口千里を中心としたOneYoung World Presents Jazz Avengersとしてビルボードツアーにも参加。

D’Addario Woodwinds 日本公認アーティスト


Sayuri Kato Trio

Official Site



Austria based pianist Sayuri Kato (formerly of the Shikisai) will be releasing a new album Sky Island with the Sayuri Kato Trio. Their new single After the Tears will be coming on March 3rd on various digital platforms.

For now take check out their Youtube channel or their Official Website.

オーストリアを拠点に活動するピアニストSayuri Kato(元Shikasai)が、Sayuri Kato Trioニューアルバム「Sky Island」をリリース予定。 しかも新シングル After the Tears は、3 月 3 日にさまざまなデジタル プラットフォームでリリースされます。とりあえず皆のYoutubeチャンネルをまたはオフィシャルサイトをチェックしてみましょう

About Sayuri Kato Trio and their new album

In 2017, Sayuri Kato formed a piano trio with Christian Spörk (bass) and Andy Menrath (drums), and recorded all 7 songs on the album in one day. The piano is recorded on a Steinway full concert grand piano (443Hz) which is actively used on stages around the world. After a full-scale recording, mixing and mastering by world-class engineers, it took about 6 years to produce, and all songs on the album were specially mastered for distribution. Most of the tracks are composed by Sayuri Kato herself, and some are Debussy works (arranged by Sayuri Kato) that are the theme of the trio’s project. A masterpiece album of new sounds created by three members who are active in different fields while pursuing the role of the piano itself.

Sayuri Katoトリオと新アルバムSky Islandについて

2017年にクリスティアン・シュペルク(ベース)、アンディ・メンラート(ドラム)と共にピアノトリオを結成し、1日でアルバム収録曲全7曲をレコーディング。ピアノは世界中のステージで活躍するスタンウェイのフルコンサートグランドピアノ(443Hz)で収録。世界トップクラスのエンジニアによる本格的レコーディング・ミックス・マスタリングを経て制作には約6年を要し、アルバム収録曲は全て配信用に特別マスタリングされた。収録曲のほとんどは Sayuri Kato 自身による作曲で、他にはトリオのプロジェクトテーマであるドビュッシー(Sayuri Kato によるアレンジ)作品が収録されている。ピアノの役割そのものを追求しつつ、それぞれが異なる分野で活躍するメンバー3人から新しく生み出される音の傑作アルバム。


JIN Radio 155 The Jazz

JIN Radio The Jazz cool things up with music from Masumi Konishi and more. Grab a drink and chill out! JINラジオジャズに小西真澄を紹介して結構いい感じなジャズ届しますので是非聴いてにゃー