JIN Radio 73 The Hip Hop R&B
The latest JIN Radio features some fun hip hop and 2 new artists including our Hot Pick Eva Aine! Check it
presented by JIN Radio
The latest JIN Radio features some fun hip hop and 2 new artists including our Hot Pick Eva Aine! Check it
The Calling Team is back to talk about business trips and more. Check it! 今回の番組でコーリングチームがビスネストリップの話をしてと最近のBiz情報も語る。絶対チェックして! “”BGM in 1st half: “Clean Me
JIN The Pop Rock is hopping with good music. Plus a fun interview with our Artist of the Month, soulful pop singer
Its JIN Radio the Jazz with Cool music for these hot days. Tune in with a nice cold drink and chill..
JIN Radio celebrates its 70th show with some great R&B and Hip Hop music. Including and introduction ZOOCO and great new artist
The Calling crew talks to Maiko about a new book that encourages Young Entrepreneurs. So kids listen carefully! 今回コーリングチームのMaikoさんは若い人に向けの起業家の本について語る。若者達よ、必ず聴いて!
JIN Radio Pop Rock is hopping with good music from groups the Watanabes, Chiina and our Hot Pick Japanese country band unnatural.
Coolness awaits on this laid-back edition of JIN Radio The Jazz. 今回のJINラジオTheジャズに相変わらずクールな音楽を待ってる。絶対チェックしてにゃー!
A new JIN Radio The Hip Hop R&B flashes back to some great artists and music from inori, Can’no, Jay and more!
This month the Calling Radio introduces the kind of work they are doing now. And later a look at one member’s big