Turn on some comfy lights and enjoy the Jazz. Featuring Jijzue, New Standard with Shigeki Kawahara and Naomi Ebihara, and more
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Some fine Jazz going out to my Mom, Grandmum and all the great mothers out there Enjoy and chill クールなジャズ母親、おばあちゃんと素敵お母さん達に届します。 エンジョイしてにゃ~
JIN Radio after a 2 week break with some great instrumental tunes more. Including music from feature artist The Consouls, Unnme
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Official Page

The Consouls are a Sydney based ensemble best known for their arrangements of video game music on YouTube.
They got their start with jazz arrangements all the way back to 2014, but these days their repertoire has expanded out into other genres ranging from funk, fusion, rock and everything in between, sometimes featuring larger ensembles of horn and string sections.
Their work can be found on their YouTube channel and other music services.
The Consouls はシドニーを拠点とするアンサンブルで、YouTube でのビデオ ゲーム ミュージックのアレンジで最もよく知られています。
彼らの作品は、YouTube チャンネルやその他の音楽サービスで見つけることができます。