
Official Page

AudioLeaf page


ShiKisai is an Instrumental / Jazz band based around the music and compositions of pianist Sayuri Kato. The band tours mostly in Austria and Wein but also come to perform in Japan as well. Their blend of Jazz, Bossa Nova, and Latin music give this international group a very unique flavor.

Check out their YouTube channel and hear the grooves.


ShiKisai はウィーン在住のSayuri Kato(pn)を中心に現地ミュージシャンとオーストリア・ウィーンを拠点に活動中のインストバンドです。ジャズ・ボサノバ・ラテン・スムースなどをメインに日本の四季や伝統などにちなんだオリジナル楽曲などをやってます
