JIN Radio 118 The Jazz
JIN Radio returns with the first Jazz show of 2013. Featuring the cool sounds our Hot Pick Crime Of Conscience (C.O.C), Namy,
presented by JIN Radio
JIN Radio returns with the first Jazz show of 2013. Featuring the cool sounds our Hot Pick Crime Of Conscience (C.O.C), Namy,
JIN Radio the Jazz returns to introduce some very talented Jazz vocalists including our Hot Pick Izumi Wada. Tune is and groove
Sorry for the lateness but here is the newest jazz show featuring some fun, up and coming jazz artists. Check out the
Here is the latest JIN Radio featuring alot of new jazz artists on the Japan Indies site. Enjoy! 新しいJINラジオキマシテ!盛りだくさんの良いアーチストを紹介しいてますよー エンジョイ!