Makiko Hirabayashi

Official Page

*New album release “Weavers” on 4/16/2021

Makiko Hirabayashi is a Japanese pianist/composer, based in Copenhagen, Denmark.  Since the release of her first trio album in 2006, Makiko has received wide critical acclaim as a personal voice on the international jazz scene. The fresheness of both her compositions and the trio’s vibrant interplay has caught the ears of many listeners around the world.
In 2020, she was the recipient of the prestigious Honorary Award from the Danish Composers Association, for her work as a composer throughout the years.

Makiko Hirabayashi Trio, featuring drummer/percussionist Marilyn Mazur (Miles Davis Group 85-89, Jan Garbarek Group 91-05) and bassist Klavs Hovman, has been her main focus in the recent years, where she established her unique sound through performances at major festivals and venues throughout Europe and Asia. Their 4th album, “Where The Sea Breaks” was released in 2018 on Enja/Yellowbird Records, featuring the award-winning Danish trumpet/flügelhorn player, Jakob Buchanan on 4 tracks.

Since the beginning, Makiko has collaborated with a wide range of musicians on the jazz scene as well as the world music scene. She plays an active role in numerous projects led by Marilyn Mazur, and has worked with many of Europe’s top notch musicians, including Enrico Rava, Norma Winstone, Nils Petter Molvær and Fredrik Lundin.

Makiko has released 7 albums as a leader. Her second trio album “Hide And Seek” won both Best Instrumental Album and Jazz Melody Award in Jazz Critique Magazine, Japan. Amongst her recordings with other projects is a duo album “Gong” with the American saxophonist Bob Rockwell,  and “Binocular” with trumpet/flügelhorn player Flemming Agerskov.

Makiko Hirabayashi was born 1966 in Tokyo, Japan, where she started playing piano at the age of 4. Spending 5 years of her childhood in Hong Kong – a cultural melting pot at the time, has had a lasting impact on her life. At age 20, she won a scholarship to Berklee College of Music in Boston. Her original intention to study film scoring quickly shifted towards improvising and composing on the piano, as she found herself immersed in the live jazz scene of Boston. Since 1990, she has been based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Her multicultural background and musical diversity is reflected in her music. Elements of jazz, classical music, Far Eastern music and Nordic moods are all molded uncontrivedly into an intriguing, compelling sound of her own.


• Honorary Award, DJBFA (Danish Composers Association)

2020, 2007-2017
• Danish Arts Foundation’s grant for artistic work

• Jazz Audio Disk Award -Best Instrumental Album 2009 for “Hide And Seek” (Jazz Critique Magazine, Japan)
• Jazz Melody Award 2009 for title track, “Hide And Seek” (Jazz Critique Magazine, Japan)

• Best Arrangement Prize, Public Prize and 3rd Prize with Sisters at Europ’ Jazz Contest, Bruxelles




新アルバムリーリス ”Weavers” 4月16日2021年から発売



2001年、デンマ-クのトップミュ-ジシャン、パ-カッショニスト/ドラマ-、マリリン・マズ-ル(マイルス・デイヴィス グル-プ85−89)、ベ-シスト、クラウス・ホウマンを迎え、自己のトリオを結成。初のリ-ダ-作となるアルバム、“Makiko”(2006)が、ドイツの名門ジャズレ-ベル、エンヤよりリリ-スされ、デンマ-クをはじめ、ヨ-ロッパ各国で好評を得る。2009年、セカンドアルバム、“Hide And Seek”を発表し、ジャズ批評誌ジャズ・オ-ディオ・ディスク大賞、ジャズ・メロディ-大賞でW金賞を受賞。このトリオを率いてヨーロッパ各国を始め、エジプト、マレーシア、日本までコンサート活動を広げる。






Official Page


Kobe native and violinist maiko began learning the violin at the age of 3. Years later, after graduating from the Kyoto University of the Arts, she began searching for the kind of music she really wanted to play. Maiko knew she wanted to play something cool and exciting but the question was “what?”. She found her answer in 1999 after meeting Jazz violinist Naoko Terai. Very soon after that she was studying jazz and headed for Tokyo.

She made immediate impact winning the Best Player Award (the first of several) in Asakusa’s Jazz Contest. She went on to perform with several groups at live houses in and around the Tokyo area. She has even played some volunteer live events at local hospitals.

In 2006 she released her first album “Trust your Heart” followed by the live album “Glowing Colors” in 2007. Both albums are available in online stores and music shops like Tower Records in Japan. Her 3rd album Voyager released in Nov. 2010.

Since then Maiko has had numerous other releases and celebrated the 20th anniversary of her debut in 2019

Hew newest album Under the Moon is out now


神戸市出身。  3歳からバイオリンを始める。 京都市立芸術大学卒業。 1999年4月に上京。ジャズバイオリニスト寺井尚子氏に私淑。ライブに通いつめ、アドバイスを受けながらジャズバイオリンを独学で習得。そのリリカルで ハートフルなプレイは、わが国ポピュラーバイオリンの第一人者中西俊博氏も絶賛。

1999年12月、第19回浅草Jazzコンテストでベストプレイヤー賞を受賞。 2001年10月、横濱ジャズプロムナード、ライブ・コンペティション本選大会で向井滋春賞を受賞。 吉川よしひろ氏のザチェロアコースティックス、パーカッションの横山達治氏のグループ等を遍歴。 ジャズ理論をピアニストの福田重男氏に師事。 現在首都圏のライブハウスを中心に自身がリーダーのライブ活動をするとともに、HYPS、MISHIMA、Jazzberry、スーパー・ジャズ・ストリ ングス、柴馬クラブ等へも参加またはサポートを行っている。

イベント・パーティ等の営業演奏、さらに病院でのボランティア演奏等、表現者としてさまざまなシチュエーションでのパフォーマンスを精力的に行う。 アコースティックとともにエレキバイオリンもよくする。 ビバップ、スウィング、ECM、フュージョン、ラテンと幅広いジャンルにおいて、音色の美しさと熱い演奏が身上。歌心あふれるオリジナルナンバーも好評を 博している。

2006年11月22日、待望のファーストアルバム、「Trust Your Heart」をリリース。 2007年12月19日、セカンドアルバム「Glowing Colors / Live at Motion Blue yokohama」をリリース。 洗足学園音楽大学・ジャズコース 非常勤講師。



現在新アルバム”Under the Moon“今リーリス中

JIN Radio 32 The Jazz

Take a listen to the latest Jazz JIN Radio featuring Mie Yamamoto, Shigeki Kawahara, Takayuki Nishimura and more! 最新ジャズJINラジオにまたクールなジャズアーティストを紹介してます。是非聴いてリラックスしてくれ!

Takayuki Nishimura

Takayuki Nishimura

Official Page

YouTube Channel

Smooth jazz and healing SAX player Takayuki Nishimura started playing Classic piano at the age of 3 and began playing the Alto saxophone when he was 16. Later, as a graduate of Berklee College of Music, he studied with Jim Odgren and ShannonLeClair.

He has played support for various artists in the industry, (some on this site) including chihiRo of JiLL-Decoy association.

He is currently performing in and around the Tokyo area and released his first mini album “The Moment of Becoming a Star. Which, if you are in Japan, can be bought via his website.

With a sound similar to fusion greats like Eric Marienthal, Dave Koz and Nelson Rangell, Takayuki Nishimura is becoming a star all his own.

癒し系サックスプレイヤー 西村貴行(にしむらたかゆき)
Alto & Soprano, Tenor Saxophone

2004年にアメリカボストンBerklee音楽大学パフォーマンス サックス科を卒業。



【ライブサポート and レコーディングサポート and 共演者】
織田哲郎, 光永亮太, 光永泰一朗, TIA, 中西圭三, chihiRo(JiLL-Decoy association), 日之内エミ, 中澤信栄, 木下綾香, 伊達恵子, 白石のぞみ, MAYU/真夢, 真理/MARIA, 宮本美季, miwa*, 近藤亜希, soyoka, @Ki, 宮崎秀之, New Pop Conception, soul ajar, soul jazz sense, 円人図, Southern Comfort, Asid Blow, N.K.S Project, DIVA DIVA

西村貴行 1st ミニアルバム
The Moment of Becoming a Star』 発売!!
全6曲入り ¥2,000