JIN Radio 32 The Jazz

Take a listen to the latest Jazz JIN Radio featuring Mie Yamamoto, Shigeki Kawahara, Takayuki Nishimura and more! 最新ジャズJINラジオにまたクールなジャズアーティストを紹介してます。是非聴いてリラックスしてくれ!

Takayuki Nishimura

Takayuki Nishimura

Official Page

YouTube Channel

Smooth jazz and healing SAX player Takayuki Nishimura started playing Classic piano at the age of 3 and began playing the Alto saxophone when he was 16. Later, as a graduate of Berklee College of Music, he studied with Jim Odgren and ShannonLeClair.

He has played support for various artists in the industry, (some on this site) including chihiRo of JiLL-Decoy association.

He is currently performing in and around the Tokyo area and released his first mini album “The Moment of Becoming a Star. Which, if you are in Japan, can be bought via his website.

With a sound similar to fusion greats like Eric Marienthal, Dave Koz and Nelson Rangell, Takayuki Nishimura is becoming a star all his own.

癒し系サックスプレイヤー 西村貴行(にしむらたかゆき)
Alto & Soprano, Tenor Saxophone

2004年にアメリカボストンBerklee音楽大学パフォーマンス サックス科を卒業。



【ライブサポート and レコーディングサポート and 共演者】
織田哲郎, 光永亮太, 光永泰一朗, TIA, 中西圭三, chihiRo(JiLL-Decoy association), 日之内エミ, 中澤信栄, 木下綾香, 伊達恵子, 白石のぞみ, MAYU/真夢, 真理/MARIA, 宮本美季, miwa*, 近藤亜希, soyoka, @Ki, 宮崎秀之, New Pop Conception, soul ajar, soul jazz sense, 円人図, Southern Comfort, Asid Blow, N.K.S Project, DIVA DIVA

西村貴行 1st ミニアルバム
The Moment of Becoming a Star』 発売!!
全6曲入り ¥2,000