R&B Soul singer Ruco was raised by parents who truly loved soul and funk music. Her parents imbued her with a love for music from an early age. They encouraged her to explore musical interests by letting her play instruments like the drums and piano. Ruco has always expanded her vision of the musical landscape and incorporated new elements, whether from distant continents or diverse musical influences.
She was stood on stage as a singer in high school and was truly appreciated by the crowd. That is the moment when she realized music was the only path that she wanted to pursue in her life. She eventually flew to LA to attend Los Angeles Music Academy for intense training (blues, rock, jazz).
After the graduation, she returned to Japan and continues her career as a singer in Tokyo.
To describe her voice, it is not easy. But to make things simple,it would be appropriate to say “Unforgettable Sweet Pop”. Anything she sings on, she turns it to Pop. That is how powerful her voice is.
ソウルやファンク、DISCOミュージック好きの両親の元で育ち、物心つく頃から音楽に慣れ親しみ、小学校6年間、ピアノ、ドラムを習う。 高校の学園祭で友達と歌い大絶賛を受け、歌う事に目覚めその後地元札幌のローカルラジオで歌ったり、ラジオドラマの声優などこなす。 毎日の勉強の日々に退屈し、大好きな音楽の道を歩み始める。
高校卒業後単身で渡米、ロスアンゼルスにあるロスアンゼルスミュージックアカデミーへ入学。 その後も度々米国へ歌の修行で渡米、オープンマイク(飛び入り型ライブハウス)で本場のステージパフォーマンスを披露。ブルース、ジャズ、ロックなどを学 び、更に音楽の幅を広げる。 LA帰国後は地元札幌のAuditionで優勝を果たし、SOUL’d OUT ,SOFFet, DJ HASEBE,FOH,HI-D,LL brothers,倖田來未, Retro G style,DJ MAKIDAI,Asami feat DABO,Miss Mondayなどのオープニングアクトを務めた経験もある。
現在は持ち前の歌唱力と女性らしいキューさを武器に都内中心にライブ活動中。 一度耳にすればけして忘れる事のないキュートな声とルックスで男性のみならず、同性にもファンが多い。 女性目線で時には大胆なリリックも要チェック!!