Fukushima natives aIa (Vocals) and OYAKATA (Guitar) formed the Electric / Acoustic band es (pronounced “ace”) in 2002.
Together and within solo ventures they have produced music for various DVDs, concert events, commercial songs and more.
They most recently participated in the 30th annual Fukushima mini-concert in 2011, where their CD “Yume Ga Aru Kara” (Because I’ve Got a Dream) sold out the same day.
Check their smooth and unique sound on myspace now!
●Vocal : aIa (アイア)
●Guitar : OYAKATA (オヤカタ)
●DVD : 心霊研究家 池田武央「霊界巡礼」
エンディングテーマ曲 【Thank You】
●DVD : 池田武央のサイコトライアングル「霊界域」
特典映像(PV) 【Endless】
イベント限定CD 【es】(3曲入)