NAOH is funky cool saxophonist who started piano at age 3 and later moved to the Sax at age 16.
She went on to study under Universal Jazz artist Hidefumi Toki for a time. Then like a martial artist honing their craft she would study and travel through famous music cities including New York, New Orleans and Memphis.
After returning to her native country, NAOH focused on her solo jazz career and would join big name groups like Kobukoro (famous J-pop band) and the Otis Clay band when they toured Japan.
She released her first national album “PRECIOUS” in 2004. Then later her mini album “smile” in n2005. Since then she has made DVD releases, appeared on TV and Radio and continues to perform around Japan.
**Her “PRECIOUS” CD is available on iTunes but if you are in Japan and buy the album via her blog site, the proceed will go to the support the Red Cross earthquake support!
Funky Sax Player。3歳からピアノを始め16歳でSAXに転向。土岐英史氏に弟子入り。NYやMemphis、NewOrleansへ単身渡米、繰り返し武者 修行に出た。帰国後、自己のソロ活動に加え、コブクロ、オーティス・クレイ(vo)ジャパンツアー、JB来日記念イベント、三宅伸治BAND等でその実力 を発揮する。
04年上京、1st Album「PRECIOUS」で全国デビュー。05年mini Album「smile」をリリース。06年7月教則DVD「アドリブ・サックス」、07年11月教則DVD「大人の楽器生活・サックスの嗜み」をリリー ス。ライブハウスやCLUBシーン、TV・ラジオ・WEBコマーシャル、また番組司会や執筆等で幅広く活躍中。 .. ..
▼CDの入手方法は、NAOHのブログサイトから初作『PRECIOUS』が購入できるようになっております。 詳細→