中学校一年の頃に3MCでグループを組む。その中で自分がDJ兼MCとなり、そのながれで曲を作るようになる。中学を卒業し、3MCのグループは解散し皆別々の道に進み出す。自分は高校卒業後、地元を離れ一人県外で曲を作ってはMyspaceなどに楽曲載せてネット上でいろいろなアーティストとコミュニケーションをとるようになる。楽曲提供アーティスト空也MC / 1st ALBUM 「Project 飛鳥 LP」 /
FUERZA / 未収録 / Message活動 (自分の音源を掲載しているサイト)
MySpace www.myspace.com/wlwd
最後に!自分の音源を気に入ってくれた方はご一報ください!曲制作依頼も承っています!気軽にメール等ご連絡ください!連絡先 southbuyer001@yahoo.co.jp
Hip-Hop MC and track maker Whirlwind’s interest in Hip-Hop began at an early age in elementary school. With a friend whose brother was an MC and another friend having bought turntables his interest in the music grew. Leading to the formation of a Hip-Hop group in Junior High School with 3 friends. As a DJ and MC for the group he began making music. After graduation the band disbanded but Whirlwind continued down his own musical path. Since High School graduation he has been writing and uploading his tracks to the net in places like myspace. He has also gone on to work with various Hip Hop artists including rapper FUERZA. He has got definite skillz.
If you are looking for a different for your song or rap you can contact him at: southbuyer001@yahoo.co.jp