Miho HAZAMA was born in 1986 in Tokyo. She graduated from the Kunitachi College of Music. She studied a composition under Masakazu NATSUDA, Kazunori MARUYAMA and studied jazz piano under Yutaka SHIINA. In college, she belonged to “Kunitachi college of music New Tide Jazz Orchestra”. In 2007 and 2008 she won the first prize for band performance and the great performance prize as a pianist at YAMANO BIGBAND JAZZ CONTEST. In 2008 and 2009, she arranged and composed new pieces by Yosuke Yamashita. Since 2008, she has performed on piano on the TV program “Untitled Concert”. In 2009, she performed arrangement pieces and her own piece with the PAC Orchestra. You can check out her pieces and works on her official website.
**After being released earlier in the US, Canada and Europe Miho Hazama’s first leader album “JOURNEY TO JOURNEY” has been released through Universal Music Japan on November 14, 2012 for Japanese market. This album has been recorded in July in New York, commemorating her graduation from the master course at Manhattan School of Music. Except on one cover tune of Lady Gaga, all other songs are Miho’s original compositions, and the album features her talent as a jazz composer. Leading 13-piece her own “m_unit” and having guest participations by Steve Wilson (as) and Stefon Harris (vib), most active musicians in jazz scene in the United States, she expresses vivid and lively sound here.
大学在学中は、国立音大ニュータイドジャズオーケストラに所属。2007年の「山野ビッグバンドジャズコ ンテスト」ではバンドは最優秀賞に、自身も優秀ソリスト賞を獲得。08年のコンテストにはコンサートミストレスとして出場、コンテスト史上初めて自身の作 曲したオリジナル曲を演奏し、2年連続最優秀賞の栄冠に輝く。
在学中より作編曲活動を行 なう。08年、東京オペラシティ・コンサートホールで初演された山下洋輔「ピアノ・コンチェルト第3番<エクスプローラー>」のオーケスト レーションを担当、絶賛を博し一躍大きな注目を集める。これまでに、雲井雅人サックス四重奏団をはじめサキソフォンやトランペットのアンサンブルに委嘱作 品を、東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団、兵庫芸術文化センター管弦楽団、東京佼成ウィンドオーケストラ、ヤマハ吹奏楽団などに作編曲作品を提供。