After graduating from college and a stint as part of a song duo d-iZe (pronounced de-eyze) started his solo career in 2009. His mix of piano and pop style vocals have helped him to gain popularity as he works his way into the Japanese music scene. He has been making a good start, appearing as a part of the Sony Music event Uta-men (Song men) which showcased up and coming singer-songwriters in Japan. He currently doing many live shows around the Tokyo area. A CD release can only be the next step for this young talent.
ピアノ一本のアコースティックな曲から、打ち込み全開のサウンドまでをごちゃまぜにした幅の広さが売りです(と本人は思っています) 2008年より2人組で活動を開始し、2009年よりソロ活動スタート。
SONY MUSICの新人開発部署であるSDグループのサポートを受けながら、さまざまなプロデューサーのもと音源制作や都内でのLIVE活動を行っている新人シンガーソングライター。