Syouka is a young pianist and composer who started his musical journey at the age of 5 when he began to learn classical piano.
At the age of 13 he was performing as a Junior High School student. Impressing former keyboardist for the fusion band T-Sqaure Hirotaka Izumi one day at an event.
He later began to focus his attention on Jazz and was aiming for his pro debut at the age of 16. At 17 he began writing and arranging his own music.
He has since then debuted videos on You Tube as well as founding his own website and music label “Syouka Music Records“.
A young artist with a positive, mellow sound and a bright future, be sure to check him out soon.
5歳 クラシックピアノを始める。
13歳 吹奏楽部に所属していた中学二年の時、元T-SQUAREの和泉宏隆氏と共演する機
14歳 横浜ジャム音楽学院にて、ジャズピアニスト・宮前幸弘氏に師事。
16歳 プロのジャズピアニストを目指す。
17歳 ピアノソロ曲を作曲、発表する。
2010/04/05 YouTubeにピアノ演奏の動画投稿を始める
2010/04/06 ブログを始める
2011/04/08 ライブドアブログに移る
2011/04~ 妹のピアノレッスンを開講
2012/01/28 ブログでガンプラ好きを公言する
2012/02/19 Twitterを始める (毎日更新!)
2012/04/03 ニコニコ生放送を開始
2012/05/14 オフィシャルサイトを開設
2012/07/03 自主レーベル「Syouka Music Records」を設立
2012/07/24 オリジナル楽曲のダウンロード配信開始