Rhyming Gaijin is a talented artist from the states, making catchy tunes and crazy samples he is able to captivate people. He has a laid back delivery that comes across like he is talking to his friends .
He is currently recording and performing around the Tokyo area. While his beats and grooves can be heard in various places online including iTunes, YouTube and Myspace. Most recently he joined R&B singer Mami Sue on a few of her newest releases. You can catch their act live on DVD, which will be on sale very soon.
Multi-talented and motivated, Rhyming Gaijin is an artist to look out for.
Rhyming Gaijin (ライミング外人)はアメリカから才能とても強いヒップホップアーティスト。結構乗りやすいなメロディーと盛り上がるサンプルを作れながら彼のラップフローが凄くゆったりしている。おかげでそれが聴くと友達のように話してると感じる。
最近もR&BシンガーMami Sueのリーリスに参加してる、ライブのDVDもオンラインでまもなく発売