In 1982, Soul Hug was born to Japanese mother and Korean father. His father had lots of overseas business trips when he was young, and that got him into Western music. He started to learn the piano when he was 9-years-old but quit in a year. However he continued playing the piano his way and created his own style (although he lost his note reading and writing skills)
After graduating from high school, his love of music was to R&B and Hip Hop, he formed his crew and worked as the track maker.
Through many kind of instruments and music, now he is back to his roots as a pianist…Before he changed his artist name, Takaaki Chiba, one of his track had taken first place in Japanese Jazz ranking and other 4 tracks were also in top 10 in the mobile social community site “Mobage”
In his other work, he has been collaborating with other artists, appearing on radio and his tracks have been played at various events
Now he is working on releasing his own solo album… “Soul Hug” Unforgettable, valued words, and meaningful words of his belief in his heart by following his heart and soul..
“No lie in Music Music can’t lie”..
高校卒業後、R&B 、HIPHOPをメインにCrewを結成しTrackMakerを担当する。
過去にやっていた携帯交流サイト「モバゲー」で、当時改名する前takaaki chiba(千葉高明)として記載した楽曲達がJazzランキングで全国1位を獲得し、TOP10内で自曲が4曲ランクイン
J-WAVE RADIO SPIDER 第2回放送のゲストとして テイ・トウワと対談
CCB ギタリスト関口誠人と『Eros of man』にてTalk Liveでゲスト共演
GAOの14年ぶりのアルバム、Slip out of the bedroomのリリース記念パーティーのピアニストを務める
myspace プロデュース「MMBレコメンドアーティスト」
LEMS / 1st Album globe trotter / imagin all featuring Soul hugで参加
Lems / 2nd Album PingPongBox / Seacret Bass (Samurai Mix)にて参加。
featuring Artist ~ Shing02, FU-TEN, no.9, The Paranormal,
Soul Hug, Naoyuki Takano, acharu, ASSAN
その他Liveや作曲など多方面で活躍をしている中、現在自身のFull Albumの制作に奮闘中
『soulhug』..忘れられない..大切な言葉。そして自分の信念の意味ある言葉を胸に.. 今日も。。心と魂が与えてくれる音に従い奏でる。
『音は嘘をつかない そして 音に嘘はつけない』..
『No lie in Music Music can’t lie』..